🚫 Stop Healthcare Privatization 🚫

Enough is Enough!

Scott Moe is selling out Saskatchewan's health care to corporate interests, worsening an already dire crisis.

Wait times in our province are among the worst in the country—affecting everything from primary care to emergency services. Instead of addressing these urgent problems, Scott Moe is selling off our health care to his rich friends and donors, leaving our public system in shambles. Without quality care, not only do people suffer, but our economy does too.

Every time Moe privatizes a piece of our health care, it has real consequences. Just like in Alberta, when Saskatchewan expanded private health care, wait times for surgeries skyrocketed. This is the future Moe is pushing us towards—a system where care depends on your ability to pay.

Why it matters: When health care goes private, it’s no longer about your well-being—it’s about profits. Public dollars should be reinvested into patient care, not corporate pockets. Private clinics prioritize profits over people, cutting corners and leaving you with longer waits, surprise bills, and lower-quality care.

This isn’t just political; it’s personal. Moe’s plan threatens the fairness and accessibility of our health care. We can’t let him hand over our health to corporate interests. Our health is too important to be sold off.

Scott Moe's health care plan? More profit for corporations, less care for us. Join the fight to keep our health services public.

3,730 Supporters
4,000 Goal
4,000 Goal
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